Application Procedures and Regulations

CIMA ONLINE International Music Competition Application
Application deadline is February 12th, 2021. Depending on the amount of applications in your category, the application possibility might end earlier. Please apply as soon as possible.
The application is subject to the Rules and Guidelines mentioned below. As such, each application will be judged by a preliminary jury for its credibility before getting accepted. After the application is accepted you will receive within a short time accordingly the payment information. Once the application fee is payed, you will receive a confirmation and your application will be valid.
Due to technical capabilities, those that apply on the 12th of February have less than a week's time to complete the payment process after being accepted.
Applications are made by email - please include the completed application form and send it to
Please also include a proof of identity and citizenship (Passport or ID) and a recent photograph (under 2 megabytes size).
For additional information or help please write to the CIMA Online Office on the bottom right corner of your screen
Rules and Guidelines
Each participant has to submit one full uninterrupted video recording of their performance which is subject to the below rules:
- The video must be recorded in High-Definition 1920x1080p. The quality of the recording will not affect the judgement of the jury. A recording guide is available below.
- Each submitted video must contain in the beginning a small introduction of the participant's name and the pieces that will be performed. Optionally every participant can share their country of origin and a warm greetings to all people around the world watching them. (Will not affect the allocated maximum time duration of the performance.)
- The video must NOT in any case be edited. The video will be carefully inspected by our technicians during preselection. The video being edited results in disqualification of the participant.
- The video recording must NOT in any case be interrupted. All of the chosen works have to be recorded without stopping the camera in between.
- The video must show the full image of the participant regardeless of which equipment is being used. Different angles throughout the video are not allowed. One camera only.
- The video must be uploaded in either Google Drive or any reliable cloud storage website. The link of the video should be easy accessible and valid until the deadline of the application.
- There will be a preselection through a preliminary jury before the application is accepted. The application will also be judged of its correctness according to the above rules of the submitted video. Once the application is accepted, the participant will receive payment information. Upon confirmation of payment will then the application be complete.
Application Procedure
To successfully apply for the CIMA Competition it is necessary to:
- Send the Application Email. The Application Email must also include a copy of your Passport/ID, a relevant photo (up to 1Mb) and the link to the uploaded video file.
- Upon being accepted, please transfer the Application Fee of € 40,- (for Junior contestants €25,-) (non-refundable) until February 12th 2021.
Application Regulations
- All necessary documents and links must be sent in a single email.
- By sending the email the applicant guarantees authenticity of submitted documents and truthfulness of provided information. The CIMA organization reserves the right to request further documents, certificates and information from the applicant and to undisputed disqualify the applicant, should the provided information appear doubtful or inauthentic.
Participants will receive an email with the bank transfer details after submitted application gets accepted.
Recording Guide
Since all of today's smartphones and gadgets already support the already old standard of Full HD (1920x1080p), we concluded that it would be best and most effective if each video would be in this format. However, the way the overall quality of the video is presented will NOT affect the judgement of the jury. Please, feel free to record with your phone!
Here we share some tips on how to tweak your Video-Recording so that it looks professional even if your equipment is just your phone:
- Make sure you find the right spot of recording. Aim for spots where there is more light and less objects between you and the video recorder. Adding more light to your frame makes the video quality smoother and clearer. We recommend using additionally artificial lighting (Portable lamps, but NOT inside the video frame). By removing any obstacle that stands between and around you, the direction of the audio coming out of your instrument will be more direct to your phone's microphone, which results in clearer audio. If you able to use recording equipment such as external microphones, than aim to remove obstacles that stand between you and the external microphone.
- Find the right angles. Try to be capture the video in a symmetric and aesthetic way to your surrounding which boosts your presence.
- Try to minimize background noise by correctly closing sources where audio could pass.
- Test the video before committing to the full recording. Try to find the perfect settings for the technical aspects of your play, which enhances your presence further. If you are able to use recording equipment such as external microphones or a professional video camera, aim for the optimal settings in both the devices according to the scene you are choosing.
- Try to smile and be thankful we have the possibility to share and communicate our passion to the world regardless of which crisis hits us. That we are able to perform magical music and share our perspectives with other people with enjoyment.
Competition Regulations
- The Competition will be livestreamed through and on other different plattforms and thus open to the public.
- Performance quality, presentation and repertoire choice will all be judged.
- By participating the applicant grants the rights to audio-video broadcast, recordings and photography of the competition performance and participation to CIMA.
- Recorded media, fees and other materials submitted are non-returnable.
- The final decision of the jury is indisputable.
- Prizes might be withheld by the jury in case of artistic disputes.
The organizer of the competition is authorized to uphold and use submitted recordings for publicity purposes. In particular the organizer reserves the right to authorize radio and TV stations to record and broadcast (e.g. via radio and television, including on-line) all events of the competition. No claims for reimbursement for participants may arise from this. The competition organizer reserves the right to use selections from the competitions and prize winners’ performances on a CD and/or DVD, which will serve to publicize the participants and document the competition. Beyond this, the competition organizer reserves the right to release and distribute or permit the distribution on its own or through third parties of contributions to the competition in sound form, on analogue and/ or digital sound or data media in any format or process (including as digital downloads via online distributors), either commercially or non-commercially. The declaration of understanding on the part of the competition participants shall be considered given with the registration to participate in the competition: the same applies to transfer of broadcast rights in keeping with the aforementioned conditions. The prize winners have no claim to additional compensation.
By sending in the application form, the participants consent to the above competition guidelines.
The competition rounds will be livestreamed publicly for each category from 1st to 6th of March 2021 in and other different platforms. Participants' performances will be streamed in order of categories and their submitted application's date and time. Accordingly, communication between participants and a member of the jury will be deemed as a reason for immediate disqualification of the participant and release of the relevant jury member from duty. The identities of the jury members will be publicly announced only after the application deadline. The jury will consist of instrumentalists, musicologists, music critics etc.
The president of the jury will be the Vice-President of CIMA, Daniel Auner, MA - without any voting power, ensuring the correctness of the competition procedures. Each contestant has 12 minutes of performance time in their submitted videos and must pre-determine his/her selected piece for the Gala Final Round. The jury might stop listening to the submitted performance if duration is exceeded. 6 to 8 participants may be chosen by the jury to be streamed at the Gala Final on the 7th of March in The whole competition is open to public. Performance quality, presentation and repertoire choice will all be judged. No inquiries about the judging procedures are permitted.